Protein Balls

A couple of people have asked me for protein ball recipes this week.

I have a few of these high protein, healthy snack recipes in my repertoire but this is probably the one that most people will have the ingredients for already in their pantry. Well, that might be wrong.. If I’ve totally lost touch with reality… But I created this recipe out of ingredients I had in my pantry!

You will need:

  1+ 1/3 cup nutmeal (I used almond and hazelnut meal)

  ¼ Cup flaxseeds (Linseeds)

  2 Dates

  ½ tablespoon tahini

  1 teaspoon toasted coconut chips

  3 tablespoons hazelnut butter

  ½ teaspoon coconut oil.


1.       Blend ingredients, adding them in order of list.

2.       Once well blended and moist, roll into balls and refrigerate until you need a snack.

Did I mention that it’s ridiculously easy to make these?!
